Air Training Courses
Our training courses for people working in the air industry provide state of the art learning that helps you fulfil your legal training obligations
Why do I need Training?Why attend our training courses?
Accredited courses
Our Dangerous Goods by Air courses are CAA approved.
Course Materials
Quality handout materials provided to support with personal studies.
We offer national course locations through the UK throughout the year.
Online & Classroom Training
Our high-quality training is offered both in-classroom and online providing flexible & engaging options to suit all learning styles.
Experienced Trainers
Benefit from tuition from industry recognised trainers to provide on the transport of dangerous goods by Air, Road and Sea.
Air Dangerous Goods Online & Classroom Courses
These courses are available online via webinar and in classroom at various locations around the UK. We also provide in-house training for these courses

Multimodal Air, Road and Sea (5 days)
Increasingly, customers are finding it necessary to be dangerous goods qualified in the three principle modes of transport – air, sea and road. It has in the past been necessary to attend each full course. This 5 day course comprises of 3 days Dangerous Goods by Air, 1 day by Road and 1 day by Sea. The course is offered at a discounted rate to the individual courses and only available to students booking all 5 days. Whilst this course is targeted primarily at students who have received no previous dangerous goods training, the course is open to anyone, and can be used as refresher training in all three modes.
£1,184.40 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses

Dangerous Goods by Air Certificate Course (3 Days)
The requirement set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for a ‘properly planned and maintained training programme’ to train personnel in the ‘requirements commensurate with their responsibilities’ is met by attending this three day Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Air Certificate Course. Students passing the end of course UK Civil Aviation Authority exam, are issued with a Certificate endorsed with a CAA allocated serial number, valid for 2 years
£656.70 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses

Dangerous Goods by Air Revalidation Course (2 Days)
Certificates may be re-validated by attending a Dangerous Goods by Air Re-validation course (two days, including exam).
Please note, that because the revalidation course starts with the assumption that students have a good working knowledge of the Regulations, TrainingTeam recommends that candidates who are NOT frequent and confident users of the Regulations consider revalidating their qualification by attending again the three-day certificate course.
£527.70 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses

The Carriage of Lithium Batteries by Air (2 Days)
There have been a number of incidents and accidents which have been attributed to incorrectly shipped batteries. As a result the transport regulations are constantly changing, this course will enable students to have a thorough understanding of the relevant regulations. This course covers the requirements for transporting all types of Lithium Cells and Batteries including packed with and contained in equipment by Air. The course is UK Civil Aviation Authority approved. There is an exam at the end of course, if successful the candidate receives a UK CAA approved certificate which is valid for two years.
£527.70 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses

Dangerous Goods by Air Radioactive Materials Course (2 Days)
For those who solely ship radioactive dangerous goods they need only attend the Radioactive Materials by Air course. The certificate will reflect that it only applies to radioactive shipments and is valid for two years. For those involved with other classes of dangerous goods as well, it is necessary to hold both Dangerous Goods by Air and Radioactive Materials by Air certificates. (For maintaining approval it is necessary to attend and successfully pass both revalidation courses). In order to maintain continuity of the qualification, it is necessary to revalidate before the expiry date shown on the certificate. Revalidation training can be completed up to 3 months in advance without effecting the original expiry date.
£527.70 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses
Air Security Online & Classroom Courses
These courses are available online via webinar and in classroom at various locations around the UK. We also provide in-house training for these courses

Known Consignors (KC) Operators (Modules 1-11) The Responsible Person
All staff with unescorted access to identifiable secure air cargo will require training to some degree. Exactly which staff receive which level or module is down to the specific company to decide based on their knowledge of the operation and the rules set in place by the CAA/DfT.
£264.00 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses

Level CM – Cargo Manager
All regulated sites must have a manager nominated to oversee and be responsible for the security operation. The security manager will be the single point of contact for the CAA/DfT who will look to that person to create and maintain the security programme detailing the security processes in place at that particular site.
£541.80 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses

Level CS – Cargo Supervisor
Air Cargo Security courses are modular, each level builds on the training received at a lower level. For example, a Level CS candidate will have received all modules delivered to Levels CASP, CO & COS before receiving training in the modules specific to Level CS (modules for Level CAP are not delivered on TrainingTeam’s scheduled courses). Level CS is intended for a supervisor within a Regulated Cargo Agent with day to day operational responsibilities.
£429.97 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses

Level CO – Cargo Operative
All staff with unescorted access to identifiable secure air cargo will require training. Exactly which staff receive which level or module is down to the company to decide, based on their knowledge of the operation and the rules set in place by the CAA/DfT. This course is for staff implementing security controls for air cargo or mail at a regulated site, specifically those working in the warehouse of a regulated agent.
£233.10 (incl. VAT)

Getting Available Courses
These courses are online, and can be completed 24/7 by a candidate using a specialised E-learning environment

General Security Awareness Training
EU and Department for Transport legislation states that all staff who require access to the Security Restricted Area (that is who require an airside staff pass) must first attend General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) run by a DfT approved training provider.
GSAT Training is provided on our sister site, on We provide options for individuals looking to take the training themselves, as well as options for managers looking to train team members.
£49.20 (incl. VAT)

Online Introduction to Dangerous Goods by Air, Road and Sea Overview for Management and Staff
Online Dangerous Goods training course designed as a general overview of the Dangerous Goods Regulations. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
Online Introduction to Dangerous Goods by Air, Road and Sea is provided on our sister site, We provide options for individuals looking to take the training themselves, as well as options for managers looking to train team members.
£104 (incl. VAT)

Dangerous Goods by Air for Cargo Staff and Airport Ground Handling Staff
This course is designed for ICAO/IATA categories 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 plus staff of Designated Postal Operators in categories b and c. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
Online Introduction to Dangerous Goods by Air, Road and Sea is provided on our sister site, We provide options for individuals looking to take the training themselves, as well as options for managers looking to train team members.
£104 (incl. VAT)

Dangerous Goods by Air for Passenger Handling Staff and Security Screeners
This course is designed for ICAO/IATA categories 9, 12, and 15. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
Online Introduction to Dangerous Goods by Air, Road and Sea is provided on our sister site, We provide options for individuals looking to take the training themselves, as well as options for managers looking to train team members.
£104 (incl. VAT)

Dangerous Goods by Air for Flight Crew Members, Load Planners and Loadmasters
This course is designed for ICAO/IATA categories 9, 12, and 15. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
Online Introduction to Dangerous Goods by Air, Road and Sea is provided on our sister site, We provide options for individuals looking to take the training themselves, as well as options for managers looking to train team members.
£104 (incl. VAT)

Dangerous Goods by Air for Crew Members (other than flight crew members)
This course is designed for ICAO/IATA categories 11 and 17. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
Online Introduction to Dangerous Goods by Air, Road and Sea is provided on our sister site, We provide options for individuals looking to take the training themselves, as well as options for managers looking to train team members.
£104 (incl. VAT)

Known Consignors (KC) Operator
This online Air Cargo Security training course is designed to meet your training obligations under EU 2015/1998, and current DfT Directions. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
This course is provided on our sister site, on This course is available only for people looking to train their team members. This course is not available to general members of the public.
60.00 (incl. VAT)

Cargo Aviation Security Principles (CASP) for Warehouse and General staff
This online Air Cargo Security training course is designed to meet your training obligations under EU 2015/1998, and current DfT Directions. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
This courses is provided on our sister site, on This course is available only for people looking to train their team members. This course is not available to general members of the public.
£60 (incl. VAT)

Cargo Operative (CO) for Drivers
This online Air Cargo Security training course is designed to meet your training obligations under EU 2015/1998, and current DfT Directions. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
This course is provided on our sister site, on This course is available only for people looking to train their team members. This course is not available to general members of the public.
60.00 (incl. VAT)

Aviation Security CO (Cargo Operative)
This online Air Cargo Security training course is designed to meet your training obligations under EU 2015/1998, and current DfT Directions. Designed for use on PC, Mac, Tablet, phone.
This course is provided on our sister site, on This course is available only for people looking to train their team members. This course is not available to general members of the public.
£60 (incl. VAT)
In-House Only
The following courses can only be delivered at a venue of your choice where specialist equipment is already on premises

NXCT (National X-Ray Competence Test)
The computer based National X-ray Competence Test (NXCT) can be conducted at either client’s own site or on demand at our Gatwick office. The NXCT is valid for 13 months and all operational x-ray screeners MUST hold a current certificate.

Dangerous Goods for Air Crew (In House Only)
These are half day, or less, in-house courses that would be tailored to your specific requirements for the training of air crew in their responsibilities regarding dangerous goods. Separate courses are available for flight deck and cabin crew. Our instructors are fully approved by the CAA to conduct this mandatory training, both initial and refresher.

Why book with us?
Training Team is a corporate part of Logistics UK, one of the biggest business groups in the UK, supporting, shaping and standing up for efficient logistics.